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To Allocate or Not to Allocate-that is the question.

Allocating sites is one of the most powerful, but also controversial aspects of neighbourhood planning. The rewards can be considerable, allowing sustainable development to come forward to meet local need whilst also influencing the location, design and type of development.

Sites can be allocated for many different purposes for example employment, community facilities or housing. In order to ensure support from the community, it is vital that the site selection process is carried out in an open and transparent way, including consultation with the community.



Many Local Plans, whether they are adopted or are currently being updated have started to include specific Neighbourhood Plan policies which identify the housing requirement for individual areas. Whilst the temptation may be to bury your head in the sand and decide not allocate sites for homes in your neighbourhood plan-therefore solving the issue of having to battle with NIMBY's about building homes in their patch of England's green and pleasant lands-the stark reality is that homes need to be built and Neighbourhood Plans provide the best (& possibly only) way of ensuring new development not only delivers what the local community needs, but also protects and conserves the individual characteristics which make your neighbourhood unique

Click on the images below for a step-by-step guide to housing site selection

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